I need to get this written down so I won't forget.
My sister told me a month or two ago that I should introduce a potty chair to Dax and see how he takes to it. Last week I was talking with my neighbor and she was playing with Dax, and she commented how he seems ready for potty training and I should really give it a try. Hmmmm.
I bought a baby bjorn potty on craigslist last week for $2. Two nights ago, just before bath time, I removed Dax's diaper and sat him on the potty seat so he could test it out. He was very happy to sit there. Right away, he peed in it. No leaks. He seemed pretty comfy on the little potty and I let him stay there as I got his bath ready. Yuck, then I have to empty the potty, though.
Yesterday when he woke up in the morning (dry diaper from 12-hour overnight sleep) I sat him on the potty again. He peed. Floodgates were opened and he just about filled that little potty! Heh heh, he drinks a lot like me, and apparently has a huge bladder like me. No wonder he's such a heavy wetter when he pees in his diapers!
Then I fed him breakfast. Then straight back to the potty (but his diaper was wet), he peed again.
A couple hours later, put him on the potty, he peed and pooped.
Several more pees in the potty.
We went out shopping yesterday to a couple of stores. He wet a diaper while we were out.
Those were the only two diapers he wet all day yesterday. Everything else (including a couple poops) was on his potty chair. It's kinda cool, except for the cleaning it out part. I sit him on it and he goes within a minute or two every time! He's fast. I usually read him 1 cardboard baby book, but he's often gone before it's done. He doesn't want to get off the potty, though, so I read him some more and talk to him and then drag him off the potty and put his diaper back on. It must be a comfy little potty.
I'm using my sister's method of potty training so far. I haven't read anything about how to potty train and I feel like I don't know what I'm doing at all. The method consists of taking the kid to the bathroom with you anytime you need to go, and sitting them on their potty seat while you're in there. If they happen to go on the potty, you praise them and show it to them and let them watch you flush it. (It's not that hard because he was always in the bathroom with me anyway, he won't let me go by myself without screaming outside the bathroom door. And it's easier to have him on his potty seat, content as can be, than to be blocking the toilet paper and other miscellaneous items from his reach the whole time.)
So far so good.
I asked her what comes next and she said he'll start letting me know when he needs to go.
So far, I'm not sure what to do with outings, like shopping, parks, & church. I'd also like to try & find a seat that goes over the toilet & will also catch his pee sitting. I tried a First Years potty but the pee catcher for boys doesn't go up high enough for Dax.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
1 comment:
Wow! I'm impressed...with you both!
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