Anyhow, I think his sensitive skin, his loath to be in a soiled diaper, and his control over his bodily functions is all just making this work. I'm going along for the ride with him because I think it's amazing that today is Wednesday and the last day I had to change a poopy diaper was Friday before I first sat him on the potty.
Okay, well writing it out, that doesn't sound like a long timespan... but doing it in person - that's a lot of poopy diaper changes I've gotten out of doing because he'll hold it until he's on his potty. :)
It's a pain making him lay down in the bathroom each time to put his diaper on him again. I took several layers of super flannel, cut them to fit the shape of the front of underwear, and sewed them into 6 pairs of little boy underwear for Dax. Now he has cloth pull-ups that are much easier to pull down/up for potty breaks. I still put him in a diaper for naps and night time, although he usually wakes up dry, I don't want to risk heavy-duty cleanup.
So Dax has been running around the house in these little 3T toddler briefs from Disney Cars. He's been wetting about 2 (no leaks, they work great even though they're not waterproof!) a day, usually mealtimes. He looks so different to me wearing them, though. I miss his cute ginormous poofy cloth diaper butt. Doesn't he look all slim and grown up?

Way exciting!! He'll be completely potty trained before you know it. I can't believe he is doing it so young! My kids have all been 2-2.5 before they will do it.
I used to babysit a kid who was 4 and not potty trained...still breast feeding at night and mornings also. Issues.
It all seems very dependent on me for now. I take him throughout the day. He's all for it, though and finds it fun.
How long into the process (I'm sure it varies, but is there an average or range?) can I expect him to start telling me when he needs to go instead of me timing it?
He does run to the bathroom if he's wet himself, but that's kind of after-the-fact.
I've read & been told that kids who are cloth diapered tend to potty train faster because they're more aware of wetness & what causes it.
I wasn't expecting it quite this soon, but I'm attributing it to him being extra motivated due to his sensitive skin.
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