Dax is 12 months (1 year!) old.
Weight 27 lbs
Length 32"
Head Circumference 19.25"
Clothing Size 3T clothing, 5xw shoe
Eating/Sleeping Eats 3 meals of solids a day and sometimes a snack or two. Sleeps well most nights - 12 hours, waking once to nurse. Taking 1 nap a day for 1 hour.
Developmental Milestones
Dax can take 5 steps on his own, and can walk over a block beside you if you hold one hand. He can stack rings on his ring stacker, and he can stack one block on top of another block. He can fit the circle into his shape sorter.
Stuff baby likes Cruising & walking with help, books, riding toy cars, riding on my bike, climbing stairs, going down slides, riding teeter totters, splashing water.
I can't explain how hard it is for me to believe that it was an entire year ago when I gave birth to Dax. He has changed my life for the better. I love being his mommy, and I'm thankful that I chose such a good daddy for him.
I made a video slide show with pictures and movie clips from his first year of life. I have a TON of media on this boy, it's a little embarrassing. :) I picked through and tried to be choosey about which things showed his personality and development the most. It is the length of 2 full songs, which play in the background.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
1 comment:
Happy Birthday,Dax! He's growing up , Jessie. Hope he had a great day as well as you guys.
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