I'll start with an adorable picture of him in his new 25-cent yardsale hat, which I love on him! Actually, when I bought the hat, I first put it on him to try it on for size, and then I put it with my stack of stuff to purchase. Dax started crying and screaming. He likes hats. Don't taunt him with a hat if he can't have it to wear. He cries when the wind blows off his hats, so don't you dare take it away.

Here is a shot of him standing while wearing his Amazon size 5XW shoes I bought him. At more than half off, they still rang up at $22. :( Most expensive thing he has, lol. I'm glad I bought the next size up because they already fit him. Darn. He does use them outside when he's cruising on playground equipment, though, so it wasn't a completely wasteful purchase.

He's getting much better at standing, and can stand for nearly a full minute not holding onto anything (typically while playing with a toy using both hands and forgetting that he isn't holding onto the couch anymore). He's also pretty good at changing positions from standing to squatting to sitting and back up again.
This is a really common pose he makes. I'm surprised this is the first time I've got it in a picture. When he's crawling along the floor and he stops, he rolls to his side just like this and crosses his legs. A friend of mine laughed and called it the Sports Illustrated pose. He's playing with a shoe, but you can also see how cute his little brown shoes are on his feet.

We have to be careful with putting things on the edge of our dinner table these days. The table cloth was removed months ago, but now even the edge perimeter of the table is not safe from Dax's little hands. He crawls across the room and looks at what is on the table, then goes straight for that spot. Same goes for bathroom counters - he can reach the tops of them along the edges.

Today, after he pulled himself up using the legs of a barstool, he decided he could climb up the barstool. Lightweight Ikea barstool cannot support a heavyweight Daxling . He fell backward & pulled the stool on top of himself. Stool seat hit his mouth. His tooth was all bloody from cutting his lip & it instantly swelled up big & fat. Poor little baby boy was a screaming mess. I sat on a chair with him in my lap, cleaned up his runny nose and bloody mouth with kleenex, and gave him frozen grapes in a mesh feeder, and the swelling went right down. He ate all the grapes and wanted more. I set him down on the floor and went to refill the mesh feeder. While closing the feeder, I heard him giggling happily in the living room. Uh oh.
I rushed back to the living room to find him surrounded by a sea of white! Kleenex was everywhere. All over the floor, on his head, and on the chair where I'd accidentally left the box. There was little Dax with his bloody red lip, yanking tissue after tissue out of the box, grinning from ear to ear. No picture cuz my camera was out of the room and once I removed the box he decided to start ripping and tearing the tissues so, um, yeah I wasn't about to leave him for a minute again.
I'm moving the bar stools to the basement tonight. With the cuts/scapes/bruises that he's quickly accumulating faster than they can heal, I'm thinking I might benefit from a First Aid refresher for my accident-prone, fearless little baby boy.
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