Dax is 10 months old (yesterday). Forgot to post yesterday because I was too busy celebrating our 9th wedding anniversary! :)
For the first time since Dax was born, he's actually fitting the same size stuff as he fit last month! So I'm guessing most of his measurements are close to the 9 month update.
Weight 26 lbs (guess)
Length 31.25"
Head Circumference 19" (guess, couldn't find my tape measure)
Clothing Size 24-month & 2T (STILL, yahooo!)
Eating/Sleeping Eats 3 meals of solids a day and sometimes a snack or two. Sleeps awesome at night - 7pm to 7am and naps once a day.
Developmental Milestones
He has two top teeth in addition to his 2 bottom teeth now. He carries objects around the house now. He's doing a little baby sign language which is fun. At the lake when I showed him the ducks, he said, "duk duk duk" and when I came home after leaving him with my MIL, he said, "Momomom!" when he saw me.
Stuff baby likes Swinging fast. Taking items out of containers and putting them back into containers. Playing in the bath. Books are still his most frequent go-to toy, he loves to pick out a book, sit down, and flip pages all by himself.
Mommy moment We were at the library and he was playing. He picked up toy ice cream scoop and was carrying it all over the place. When he came near me, I asked him for it, and I pretended to take a bite. He laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world.
Daddy moment Dax misses his Daddy who works a lot of hours. One day Daddy came home during the day, and Dax was completely clinging to him! Dax wouldn't come to me, and he screamed whenever Daddy tried to put him down. Finally Daddy had to untie his shoes and take them off to show Dax he wasn't leaving. Then Dax let himself be put into his high chair and we all ate a rare weekday family meal together, which Dax enjoyed very much.
I thought last month was fun, but I'm enjoying this one even more.
Here's a clip of him swinging. He likes to go fast, really fast, but the indoor swing is kinda lame and doesn't go all that fast. You can hear him laughing each time I push him, though.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
4 months ago
1 comment:
He's a cutie. Enjoy!
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