Anyhow, finally there's warm weather and finally I got to go to a few yardsales! I found some really cute stuff and was able to pick through for my favorites!
I bought:
5 overalls w/ long pants
5 overalls w/ shorts
4 rompers (one-piece shirt/shorts)
10 t-shirts
2 white collared shirts for church
1 adorable hat
1 super awesome waterproof bib that snaps (since he now removes the velcro ones) and has a pocket
2 longsleeve shirts
3 onesies
1 light footy pajama
$24 spent
All of them are size 3T, but I think one of the rompers was a 4T. I think I'm set on spring/summer clothes for him now, phew! Well, except for pajamas. He needs more light pajamas, and I forgot about that and didn't even look at the yard sale that I bought most of the stuff from. I was also hoping to get him another hat or two.

Oh, and they're all in wonderful condition! I was worried I might be picking through worn out stuff since the sizes are now where most kids are actively playing, but I didn't see that at all. These clothes look new, and several of them still had the tags on them from the store.
Sweet deal!! Cute stuff. I can't believe how huge Dax is. My Halle is 16 months and only in size 18 months...she's tiny! It would be funny to put the two together:)
Hi Jessie! I feel like I haven't visited your blog in awhile. I'm back in the groove of things now. Looks like some good deals.Good for you!
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