All summer I took him to a nearby petting farm. He saw lots of animals, seemed to like the ducks most but I think that's just because they were more active and he could get really close to them. Anyhow, horses and ponies are among the animals there.
Daddy shows Dax clips of horses running and jumping on youtube. Dax loves them! He signs "horse" and drags one of us over to the computer to indicate that he wants to see more horses. I always let him ride the mechanical horse at Meijer's for a penny, and he typically rides it 3 rounds before he's had enough.

He has a little 2" tall toy horse. He plays with it and makes it "run" around on the floor and jump up on the shelf and run more there. He even snuck it to the table once and was "feeding" it from his plate before I took the horse away. It's so adorable!
The other thing he does is that he's expanded his previous love of tackling & wrestling into riding us as though we're horses. If I'm on laying on the floor, as I often do when we're playing with blocks or something, he'll suddenly get up, run over to me, climb onto my back and pretend that I'm a horse he's riding. I don't know where he got this - we never played that with him. If I'm NOT already on the floor and he wants to ride me, he'll run down the hall to get a running start (have I mentioned how much he prefers running to walking these days?) and tackle my legs! If I don't pretend to fall down from the tackle, then he'll pull on my pant leg or try to push me over! Hahaha. As soon as I'm laying on the floor, he squeals in delight and climbs aboard his "horse".
The other day he was pretending that HE was a horse, crawling around on the floor and swaying his head back and forth. He's so very cute. :)
Anyhow, today I took him back to the petting farm & we went to the horse fence. The horses were clear far away, but once we were at the fence, they all turned and trotted over to greet us. Dax was so delighted, smiling so big he almost cracked his face into two pieces. He kept signing "horse" and looking at me and looking at the horses! They came clear up to the fence close enough to pet. Made his day! It was 29 degrees out and I was only wearing a windbreaker with a t-shirt underneath, so I decided we wouldn't stay long. Told him to say goodbye to the horses, he waved and we went back to the car. Of course, on the other side of the petting farm is his favorite huge park and he REALLY didn't want to get in the car after spotting that playground. Dax was dressed warmly but that wind was mean and made the exposed parts of his face turn all red, and his little fingers (he refuses to wear mittens) felt like ice cubes.
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