Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Walk/Push toys?

Dax is still nowhere near crawling. He can't even commando crawl.
However, how do you know when they're ready for a push-along toy like a push wagon or something to stand on and hold for support? I've had my eye on one at Ikea that looks cute.


Missy said...

That looks like a fun toy for a cute baby! I wish we had an IKEA here. Closest is ATL. I think we usually start with those toys when they can pull themselves up onto the couch and can stand for awhile. I can't really remember! It goes by so fast!
Go with your "momma" instincts.

FLmom said...

Dax can stand up by himself for a few seconds? Hes strong! You have an award waiting for you at Diaper Duty Diary!!