Tomorrow, Dax will be 6 months old. Wow, hard to believe he was born half a year ago!
Weight 22 pounds
Length 28"
Head Circumference 17.75"
Clothing Size 12-18-month clothing. Hats, shoes, and socks are 2-3T.
Eating/Sleeping During the day he nurses every 1 to 3 hours. Naps once or twice a day for 30 to 120 minutes. At night he sleeps 6 hours, barely wakes to eat, then sleeps another 5 or 6 hours.
Developmental Milestones Can sit up from a reclined position to fully seated by himself. He looks for toys he drops off his high chair, and will look for a toy I cover up with a towel. He's been banging objects together. Has been increasingly vocal with jabbering. He's figured out how to indicate things he wants with different sounds and facial gestures. He loves to stand up while holding people/things for support. He pulls the string on his elephant toy to make the wheels turn. I swear he's understanding more and more of what I say and he can tell when I'm talking about him to people.
Stuff baby likes Loves bath time and swimming. Loves books. He likes imitating what we do. He laughs at "this little piggy" and peek-a-boo. Enjoys putting his toys into a container and dumping them out over and over (when he dumps out the container, he often taps the bottom of it, ha ha). He plays with his spoon & fork at mealtime and copies me - when I take a bite, he will put his empty spoon into his mouth and grin at me.
Mommy moment Dax has figured out a way to communicate with me. He makes a special little sound, kind of like "Mmnnh" while using his lips to point! So when he wants something, he'll point at it with his lips and say "Mmnnh Mmnnh Mmnnnnnnnnnnnnh!" When I pick up the correct item, he smiles at me.
Pediatrician commented that Dax is behaving more like a 9-month-old than a 6-month-old. He said 6-month-olds never push his hands away during exams, and that Dax appears to be extra aware of his surroundings and able to communicate. Growing up too fast!!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
1 month ago
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