This trike, with a bell.
The trike was more of an accidental impulse buy. When I bought a 6' slide for the basement a few months ago, the Craigslist seller wheeled out this trike and asked if I was interested. I offered him $30 and he took it. When I got home, I looked it up, and think I got a pretty good deal. :) The trike is in "like new" condition!
So my plan is to clear out some of the baby-ish toys in the basement play area and make more space for riding. I'm hoping he may figure out how to pedal the trike this winter, and could ride it around in the basement while we await warmer weather for riding it outside.
He already has a trike - this one that I bought for $5 at a yardsale when he was 12 months old. He loved it as a rocking trike, and he enjoys being pushed on it, but he hasn't figured out how to pedal the thing. I also have very little patience for pushing it because the parent handle is so low that I have to bend way over to push him on it. With the cheap plastic wheels, I was already planning to upgrade it one day.
I boxed up a bunch of toys and plan to attempt to sell them online. If they don't sell, I'll store them in the unfinished section of the basement to await our summer yard sale. I'd also like to see if I can get $5/ea for Dax's winter boots. I have size 6, 8, and 9. He wore a 6 last year. The 8 & 9 I received in a free bag 2 years ago, and I was hoping one of those larger two would fit this year. Nope. I attempted to squish his foot into the size 9 winter boot but that's just not going to work. Fortunately, I got really lucky - my first Salvation Army store visit on Saturday turned up a pair of size 11 Buster Brown boys winter boots, in excellent condition, for $7. Yay!
2-year-olds should not need size 11. Just sayin'.
I also finally boxed up his size 4 shirts that keep showing his midsection whenever he lifts his arms, and stocked up on some more size 5 shirts at the same store where I found the boots. :)
Thank goodness his heavy winter size 4 coat fits just fine because it's really long! I took him outside to play in the snow and he wore his size 4 coat and the size 4 snowbib pants that went with it - and he was warm and warm could be. Phew, I was so worried when I bought that last summer that it wouldn't fit him, but I couldn't resist it - Columbia set, really really warm, looks brand new, for $10. Hoping to add many hours of snow play to that set. :)
As for the biggest items I'm selling to make more room:
This leapfrog table I'm hoping to sell for $25
This leapfrog tube topper I'm hoping to sell for $25
And this indoor/outdoor swing & slide, which is taking up a ton of space in the basement playroom right now.
I love, love, love getting kids stuff used. I enjoy that I live in an area where it's easy to pick up high quality toys in great condition used, for a fraction of the original price. And then that I can turn around and sell them again for what I paid for them, and sometimes even more. Kinda makes his toys free in the long run, haha. Hopefully I can take pictures of them soon and get them posted for sale.
I love, love, love getting kids stuff used. I enjoy that I live in an area where it's easy to pick up high quality toys in great condition used, for a fraction of the original price. And then that I can turn around and sell them again for what I paid for them, and sometimes even more. Kinda makes his toys free in the long run, haha. Hopefully I can take pictures of them soon and get them posted for sale.
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