Dax thought it was pretty fun. He liked seeing the neighbors and wasn't ready to leave each porch, he wanted to stay and babble. :) He thought it was fun that they kept putting little crinkly "toys" into his bag, too.
He got back home and showed me his new toys

Hard to take costume pictures of a buzzy little bee that won't hold still!

Dax played with his new "toys" before bed.

He took them out of the bag, then put them back in the bag, then took them out, over and over until it was time for story, teeth brushing, and bed! Little bee was Zzzzzing away at 7pm. It was easy to not have him eat candy, because he doesn't know what it is yet, haha. :)
We only had about 35 trick-or-treaters come last night. Not as many as we'd expected for a Saturday with decent weather in our easy to visit neighborhood. I thought we even had more kids than that living here. I'm guessing a lot of kids were sick. Dax had a runny nose and has had a cold and some congestion all week.
That's one cute bee! The bee catcher's net for Al was very clever.
I love the video, too! So funny!
My kids never knew what the ice cream truck was...they just thought it was the "music truck". You should have seen the looks on their faces when I finally told them what was REALLY in that truck!
Haha, Amy, I also tell Dax that the ice cream truck is the music truck! I even sign it to him. :)
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