Weight 29.9 lbs
Length 34"
Head Circumference 19.25"
Clothing Size 3T clothing, 6xw shoe
Eating/Sleeping Eats 3 meals of solids a day and sometimes a snack or two. Sleeps 12 hours a night, waking once to nurse. Taking 1 nap a day for 1-2 hours.
Verbal vocabulary Dada, mama, up
Signing vocabulary more, milk, cheese, hat, bath, book, water, eat/food, dog, potty, apple, cat, car, shoes, baby, ice cream, shirt, all done/finished, drink, bear, butterfly, cereal, cracker, train, grapes, sleep
Developmental Milestones
Dax walks well, even on bumpy/uneven/sloped surfaces. He walks backwards, he runs forward. He can stack 12 blocks on top of each other. He can pull up his entire body weight with his muscular arms. Dax is potty training, he now only wears diapers to bed at night, although he wakes up dry about 6 nights out of 7. He wears his cute little underwear briefs the rest of the time and is pretty good at telling me when he needs to go potty, even when we're out of the house. So now I carry a fold-up potty seat in the diaper bag instead of diapers.
Stuff baby likes Hide & seek, sign language, books, riding toys, climbing up & down stairs, going down slides, teeter totters, "helping," wrestling/tackling, balloons, new bathrooms

Dax returning cans at the store
Dax using vacuum sweeper to tidy up
Dax eating spaghetti
Dax's Pediatrician was surprised to see Dax wearing underwear. He asked us how we potty trained him. We explained Dax had been waking up dry, had been bringing diapers to us anytime he was wet for immediate changing, was interested in the bathroom, etc. The doctor said that it's highly unusual for a toddler so young, but he was happily impressed. Oh, and partway through the office visit, Dax told me he had to go potty, so I took him. Sign language is so helpful with my non-verbal tot!
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