Saturday, April 25, 2009

Swing Set!! :)

Big storm came in around 2:45pm... 3pm my neighborhood lost power. It's now 8pm and still no power. Well, I mean, we personally have power cuz of our super generator, but still... the houses surrounding our house are dark.

Anyhow, I found a swingset on Craigslist for $125 and we got it today! The swing set is all set up in our back yard and it's so weird seeing it there. Dax got a tiny test swing before the rain poured down. Here are pics.

The back of the tower/fort thingy has stairs going up to it instead of a ladder. They're pretty sturdy, since I climbed them myself and sat inside the fort while Dax played with the steering wheel up there and crawled around. Personally, I love the adult swinging bench, I might be spending lots of time out there reading while Dax swings. :)

We're going to get some stain for the swing set since it is CCA wood and we don't want the arsenic leaching out. That plus the new bolts plus the $3 baby swing I added to the set... still makes it a pretty good deal to me! :)

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