Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New baby, oops, I mean "toddler" clothes!

I got a box of clothes from my Sister-in-law, stuff her boy has outgrown.
Adorable stuff in the box! Dax just recently outgrew the torso length of his 18-month clothes. He's not even 9 months old yet. ~sniffle~
Anyway, here's one of the cute outfits from the box:

Doesn't it look all "spring" and nice!? :) I think I'll put it on him again for Easter. It's a size 2T.


Missy said...

What an adorable outfit, Jessie. Gotta love those hand-me-downs. I sure do. He looks like a handsome little man.

Sprgtime said...

Oh yes, I'm so thankful for hand-me-downs!
I got bags of used clothing from friends, ward members, coworkers, and relatives.
I'm SO GLAD, too. I had no idea my son would need a new size every single month from his crazy growth when he was born.