Friday, March 13, 2009

Photos & video

I realized I haven't posted photos in a little while. Here are some new ones :)

Here is Dax looking pouty. For some reason when he makes this expression, he reminds me of my oldest brother.

This is him on the quilt that I use to take his monthly picture. 7 months here.

A picture of him laughing.

Here's a new trick of his he's been doing just the past couple days. He licks the bars on his crib! Then he laughs about it. He'll stick his tongue wayyy out there and lick the bar.

Saving the best for last, here's a video of Dax & I playing peek-a-boo with a blanket. He could play this all day, but I'm good after about 5 minutes of it. His little laugh is so addicting, though!


Amy said...

I can't believe he's only 7 months. He runs circles around Halle in weight and height and she's almost 15 months!

Sprgtime said...

I know, it's crazy. He's bigger than a lot of 2-year-olds!
He was only 8 pounds at birth, I don't know what happened to my tiny little baby that wore size Newborn clothing all baggy. :(

J'Amy Day said...

So cute! I love his baby giggles in the video.