Sunday, February 1, 2009

We decorated a few of Dax's plain white diapers to make them more fun.

"Live Long & Prosper" from Star Trek. Lead butt, hee! :) Then there are the Noble Gases. And the intercom symbol from Star Trek.

Oh, and you can barely see it in this picture, but Dax has the exact same Stork Bite birth mark that I have on the back of my neck! I thought it was kinda neat when he was born with it. :)

He may look innocent and cute, but this shirt is sooooo true!

Another pic from Mommy & Me swimming class:


Amy said...

I don't know anything about Star Trek, but those diaper covers are very fun. What a cute idea! I really like the gas table. funny!

J'Amy Day said...

Love the diapers...the little guy sporting them is pretty cute, too!