Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hungry hungry baby!

Apparently turning 6-months old has made Dax decide that he needs to return to his hourly nursing schedule. Except this time, that includes night time as well as day time. Oh, and that's in addition to him now eating solids! He loves solid food and gobbles up nearly everything he's offered. He insists on nursing immediately before and after every solid food meal, though. With his hourly nursings, his new multi-nap-wantings during the day, and him keeping me up at night because he's starving... I'm tired.

Plus all this eating/sleeping this week seems to have made Dax suddenly outgrow all of his 12-month clothes, so now the 12m onesies won't snap, the 12m pj's are too short, and all of the 12m one-piece outfits no longer fit in the torso. :( I did find a couple nice warm one-piece coverall 18m Carters outfits at Meijer yesterday for $4, though! :)

Here is Dax munching on cauliflower.

Oh, and if anyone is interested in sharing their tidy-baby tips for mealtimes, I'd appreciate it. I tend to get food on me and/or changing table and/or bathroom floor after he's done eating and I pick him up and change him. He also screams when I use a washcloth to clean his face & hands - I tried letting him "play" with the wet washcloth but that didn't work, he ended up squishing it around in whatever food he can find on his hands/clothing and then using wash cloth to catapult food particles across the room.


Comity Way said...

Wow! He's a hungry, growin' boy! Can't say that I have any good tips on keeping them really clean when they eat. I just scoot the tray as close to them as it will comfortably fit so the food falls on the tray instead of all over their lap. I push up Ivy's sleeves to her elbows and put on the bib. The other kids were neater than her. She wanted to eat all by herself earlier than they did, so that was different for me. Good luck!

Comity Way said...

That comment's from me, Missy.

J'Amy Day said...

I wish my kids would devour cauliflower like that! He's so best advise for keeping them clean while eating is strip 'em down and put them in the tub when they're done. I always thought, "Good thing they're washable!"

Sprgtime said...

He loves bath time, so that's what I've been doing recently when he's really a mess. He had a bath after breakfast this morning. :)

Missy said...

Hope you're doing well and not too cold up there!

Just wanted to let you know that I passed on the Lemonade Award to you. Visit my blog to get your award.