Adoption. Although it has not yet touched our lives in the way we expected.
Breastfeeding. The ability of my body to completely nourish my son.
Cars. Two working & reliable ones. Made in 1997 & 1998, but they've both been great for us since we bought them in 1999 & 2000.
Dax. My adorable firstborn son.
Eternal Family. The belief that I will always be with my husband, in this life and for all eternity, and that any children we have will also be able to be with us.
Financial ability to stay at home with our child
Garage sales, resale shops, craigslist, and being able to find quality used stuff for cheap
In-laws. Mine are wonderful. I'm blessed to have every single one of them.
Job. It isn't the hours I hope for, but I'm thankful my husband has a job in this economy that continues to support us
Laughter, a heartwarming solution to stress
Motherhood, and the heart expansion pack that comes with it
Nephews & Nieces
Oxytocin. Yummy feel-good doses of it every time I nurse Dax.
Pictures. I'm glad I live in a time when pictures are so easy to get, save, delete, share, and publish.
Quiet moments
Sisters. My biological sisters, my sisters-in-law, my ward sisters, my girlfriends who are close like sisters
Time for bed/naps
Unblocked uterine tube. Hey, it only takes one. ;)
Vaginal birth. It's amazing. I'm so thanksful I was able to experience one.
Watermelon. I ate tons and tons of watermelon this past year
X-chromosome. Only needed one of those, too. ;)
Yasmin birth control, because it brought me Dax
Zero debt. Well, aside from our home mortgage, but I'm not counting that.

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!
1 comment:
Thanks for the tip on baby feeding themselves. I'll try it. Did you see I tagged you on my blog?
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