Weight 19 pounds 10 ounces
Length 27"
Head Circumference 17"
Clothing Size 6-9 month clothing, 12-18 month shoes & hats
Dr visit: We got in our room and put Dax on the long padded table covered with paper. Dax immediately noticed the crunch of the paper beneath him and reached down and grabbed it. He squished the paper between his fists and happily babbled. Then he noticed if he yanked the paper more would come (it was on a roll). He was very soon making a big mess of paper on the table within just a minute of sitting down.
The doctor glanced over at Dax and said, "Wow. I can't believe that at 4 months he is so actively into his environment."
He was also pretty impressed with Dax's muscle tone and his ability to roll both ways and how close he is to sitting up all by himself. Doctor said he usually sees larger babies are behind on physical milestones because their central nervous system has trouble keeping up with everything, but that it was certainly not the case with Dax.
Eating/Sleeping During the day he eats every hour or two. Naps once in the morning and once in the afternoon for 30 to 90 minutes each. At night he sleeps in 5 & 6 hour increments. Most of the time I get plenty of sleep now, which is really helpful for the long days by myself with Dax.
Developmental Milestones Reaches for and picks up toys, passes toys from hand to hand, holds toy with one hand while spinning/manipulating it with the other hand, rolls over with ease either way, babbles & drools lots, can sit up without support for small periods of time, loves books and turning pages
Daddy moment Hubby finally got Dax to copy his tongue sticking out. Dax has the cutest little tongue!
Dax appears to like his new Britax car seat. He doesn't scream in the car like he used to in the SnugRide car seat. Maybe all that cushy padding helps, or maybe he just likes sitting up higher to look out the windows. Whatever it is, I'm happy car rides aren't as miserable for him (and me!) anymore. Also - now he frequently falls asleep in the car, which rarely happened in the past. Hurray! :)

I live for his laughs these days.
Jessie, he's sooo cute! Emma and I need to come up and see you guys sometime!
That would be fun :)
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